It's been awhile - but FUCK YOU NYC TWU
I'll be blunt, and I'll repeat myself. Fuck you, Transit Workers Union. You make more money than a lot of New Yorkers, your benefits are about as good as it gets, and now, you fuck over the people who need it most, including many of New Yorkers lower income citizens who depends on you to get them to work every day.
Eight percent raise in EACH of the next three years??!!? In this day and age, and this economy, a lot of people would be happy to have eight percent OVER three years. You all disgust me.
I'm a big believer in unions. I believe they are necessary to keep big business in check. But I also believe that unions have to use their power responsibly. And this is an example of a union being irresponsible.
Your action is EXACTLY what right wing conservative nutjobs who are anti-union point to when they say unions are out of control, and unnecessary.
So, for fucking over 7 million New Yorkers who depend on you daily, screw off. And for the even bigger picture of damaging unions nationwide with your irresponsible actions, and even bigger screw off.
You've got great jobs with great benefits. And now you're breaking the law by striking. So stay off the damned job long enough, and someone else will step in and take it.