Meme-ories...of the way we were....
Ok, apparently I’ve been tagged by akaqueenie.
Now, not being a blogger who plays by the rules – mostly because I don’t think anyone actually reads my blog, thusly, rendering me knowing the rules not necessary – I had no idea what any of this meant, until my wife informed me it meant I had to fill out the meme in which I’ve been tagged.
Of course, I didn’t really know what a meme was until the wife told me. what the fuck does meme stand for anyway? Moronic Exercise, Mindless Expression?
Four Jobs You've Had In Your Life
1. sales rep for large independent music distributor, selling CDs and DVDs to the store you probably shop in.
2. Local Music Buyer for a large retailer, for their Burlington, Vermont, and Chelsea, Manhattan, New York stores.
3. Sports reporter for a chain of small newspapers in Massachusetts.
4. Dishwasher in a now defunct bakery in Vermont. The owner was an asshole who thought he was some pastry chef from France, when he was really from some small town outside New Orleanse. He yelled at me once for not getting the floor clean enough in the café, and that in Paris, this would be a disgrace and I’d be fired. I reminded him that not only is Paris famous for having dog shit all over the fucking city, but that he had never actually been to Paris. His wife was Parisian, and he was a swamp rat from Louisiana with a stupid fucking accent. He fired me.
Four Movies You Could Watch Over And Over
1. office space
2. heathers
3. lost boys
4. dumb and dumber
Four Places You've Lived
1. Ft. Worth, TX
2. Burlington, VT
3. New Bedford, MA
4. Queens, NYC
Four TV Shows You Love To Watch
1. Lost
2. Arrested Development
3. Prison Break
4. Cops/America’s Most Wanted
Four Places You've Been On Vacation
1. Spain
2. British Columbia
3. The American South (a road trip that took us from Virginia to North Carolina, South Carolina Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, and back to Virginia.)
4. Jamaica
Four Blogs You Visit Daily
1. wanton wonton
2. boblog (check out this snazzy concert poster!)

3. Pink is the New Blog, but only because my wife shows it to me every night
4. talking points memo
Four Of Your Favourite Foods
1. sushi
2. Vietnamese food
3. Matzoh Ball Soup, made by my dad or gramma
4. cheese
Four Places You'd Rather Be
1. at home, with my wife, relaxing on the couch, watching a good wrestling DVD with a couple of kids and a slew of dogs running around, in a big ol’ house on a lot of land that we can’t afford to buy yet.
2. traveling around the world..
3. the road not taken.
4. a locker room in Puerto Rico on July 17, 1988. I’d like to think I might have made a difference.
Four Albums You Can't Live Without
1. Bob Marley – Songs of Freedom box set. It’s Bob motherfucking Marley. The closest thing to a prophet we’ll ever have in our lifetime.
2. Rage Against the Machine – self titled. This record got me through so many angry times. and it’s a damned good record to wash dishes to!
3. something early hip hop, like Sugar Hill Gang or Grandmaster Flash. I just can’t imagine what music would be like today without them.
4. The Muppet Show soundtrack
Four Vehicles You've Owned
1. white 1976 MGB
2. two tone blue 1987 Volkswagon Vanagon Diesel (aka The Beastie and the Scooby Mobile)
3. white 1993 Subaru Impreza (aka HAL)
4. teal blue/sea green 1997 Ford Escort Wagon (aka Mabel)
Four People To Be Tagged
1. Sonic Ocean (because I think she’s the only person to read my blog)
2. Larry Dallas (because I’d get a kick out of what he says)
3. Prince Nana (because he’s too busy to actually be bothered with something as silly as this, and i do wonder how memes are received in Ghana)
4. GW B*sh (because you know that motherfucker is spying on my ass and reading this)
i have no idea what meme is either. some of these games played overthe internet are odd.
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