Monday, March 21, 2005

Fool on The Hill...

a big WHAT THE FUCK to Congress and those fools on Capitol Hill for getting involved in the Terri Schiavo fight.

Terry Schiavo's Fate Awaits Judge's Ruling

it used to be get the fuck out of my bedroom. now it's get the fuck out of my hospital room. just. get. the. fuck. out.

a deeply personal fight - one over one of the most difficult things i can imagine having to deal with; that being knowing when to let go of a suffering loved one who will never get better - has become a political fight.

and make no bones about it. this is about politics and nothing more. this is about the conservative branch of this country again making a play to the religious right to garner their voting power.

you can't argue with the truth, and the memo being distributed to Congressional Republicans speaks volumes about their brand of truth.

"This is an important moral issue, and the pro-life base will be excited that the Senate is debating this important issue," said the memo, reported by ABC News and later given to The Washington Post. "This is a great political issue, because (Democratic) Senator (Bill) Nelson of Florida has already refused to become a co-sponsor and this is a tough issue for Democrats."

we are at war people. we are at war with people who want to take away our rights and intrude on our lives. these people do not want to share. they want it to themselves.

and we can't allow that. we have to fight, and we have to win this fight.

Friday, March 11, 2005


Tens of thousands dead in a war in iraq. Drilling in nature preserves. The death penalty. the destruction of the social security system. No raise in minimum wage as people lose their homes and children go hungry on the streets.

And steroids in major league baseball.

One of these is not like the other. Guess which one.

Yet the u.s. Congress seems more intent on solving this problem, going as far as subpoenaing several players, then any of the others that are life and death situations for man, animal, and perhaps the entire planet itself.

So what are they doing?

Avoiding the issues, of course. The important ones. The ones that dictate the future. Instead they're more worried about grown men taking drugs so they can play a child's game better.

This is my country right now. and it sucks.