Sunday, April 24, 2005


so, in the past couple of days i've had a couple of people (ok, probably the only two people who read this even remotely regularly) ask me why i haven't updated much lately.

i realize i don't write daily. never really did. but lately i've been especially frustrated, mostly because i feel like how many times can i rant about the Conservative branch about this country without sounding the same fears over and over again. without sounding the same warning calls. without, well, sounding like a damned broken record.

i don't know if it's possible.

the Conservatives scare the piss out of me, because they don't have any regard nor respect for people who disagree with them, they use religion as a tool of fear rather than love, and they have absolutely no belief in the U.S. Constitution, and wipe their own asses with it in a regular basis.

i mean, in Texas, they're trying to prevent homosexuals and bisexuals from becoming foster parents. scary enough unto it self, but what of homosexuals and bisexuals who already are foster parents.

and Bill Frist, you know, the jackass with presidential aspirations in 2008, seems to have shed his image of someone who used his knowledge as a doctor to come to decisions, and has now taken on the persona of pandering to the religious right. Apparently, he's of the belief that filibusters are "being used against people of faith."

of course, there's Tom DeLay. if you don't know about him, then you haven't been reading the news much, and i have no idea why you're interested in my blog. despite the fact that there seem to be more and more serious ethics charges piling up against him, his supporters seem to be ready to go to war to protect him. How very Christian like.

perhaps that's the point, and maybe the tone i need to take. i respect everyone's opinions and beliefs, and their rights to have those opinions and beliefs. but the minute your beliefs start denying other people equality, than your beliefs are crap, and your God telling you do such a thing is full of shit.

i do believe we're heading to a holy war in this country, brought on by those Christian Conservatives who feel that their God gives them the right to oppress others and force their flawed belief system on the rest of the populace on this country.

wow. that was some venting. and some anger. and wrath. and furious indignation. so yea, Christian Conservatives, fuck off, and remember your God teaches you to love all equally. and if i'm misinterpreting that, and i'm wrong, then your God can just fuck off.