Black Dog...
Dear Friends and Family,
It is with heavy heart and some pretty incredible
sadness that I report the passing of our beloved
puppydog Omega, on Sunday, June 5, at about 9:30 a.m.,
at the age of 7 years and 6 months.
Omega came into my life about 3 ½ years ago, and
provided with me great joy and happiness. It was
amazing to me that a dog that had so many health
problems, both physical and emotional, could be so
loving and be the most fun, happiest, and simply
incredible dog one could ever know. From her crooked
ears to her waggy tail to her mischievous smile, she
was the perfect companion and friend.
As some of you know, Omega had been sick for the past
few months. She’d had some ups and downs, and as
recently as 2 weeks ago, seemed to be on the upswing
and getting better. But over the past 10 days, Omega’s
health declined rapidly, and on Sunday morning began
going into some heavy duty seizures. Her body
apparently couldn’t handle the meds she needed for her
back injury, and just started shutting down. We had no
choice but to help end her suffering.
She is missed tremendously.