Monday, October 11, 2004

Think It Over...

added two more links over in that section...want to figure a way to make my weather pixie random, instead of remaining as the same one. i have a random one at my work desktop...hmmm...

going to dayton and chicago this weekend for wrestling. i've been to a ton of shows over the past few months, but seemed to lose interest in writing about them. maybe because this one is much more of a journey, i'll write it up. maybe i've just lost interest in writing. i don't know. it comes and goes for me. i LOVE writing. with a passion. but sometimes, i guess i just can't be bothered. i dunno...

and what's going on in this world. i just don't get how otherwise intelligent people can support GW Bush. he's clearly lied on many an issue and his deceptions have cost lives. lots of them.

he's very obviously into supporting the wealthy and casting aside the poor, and he'd rather strip your freedoms away and keep you afraid then allow free reign and make you safer.

i don't get it. how are people so fucking dumb?


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