Friday, August 27, 2004

Send in the Clowns...

i admit it. i'm angry. i'm angry about these people coming into this city, i'm angry about the way our government treats people, and i'm angry that there are plenty of people who can't see the forest for the trees.

This will be the ninth presidential election of my lifetime. admittedly, i was waaay too young for the first few of them, but i do have memories of some of the political news of the day. I remember Nixon resigning, i remember Carter's amazing inaugural walk, and i remember Reagan being shot a relatively short time after being elected. Actually, most of my memories of the Reagan presidency are bad.

George Herbert Walker Bush came along, and brought us to out first war with former ally Iraq. being in college at the time, it was my first real brush with war. i thought there was a chance i could end up drafted.

from 1992-2000, i remember a golden period. When Bill Clinton was president, i earned less money then i make now, but that dollar went further. people were happier. no one hated Americans for simply being from America. the only bile spewed came from the right, jealous that a man from meager roots could eventually make his way to the white house and be president.

It was a time of prosperity and peace for this nation, but the right wingers of this country simply couldn't stand that happiness with a Democrat in office.

This people were so maniacal in their hatred for Clinton, that they attempted to use the fact he lied about a blow job in failed attempt to run him out of office.

Then, came GW Bush. a man who swore to bring people together, but has divided this nation like no man before him, not even Abe Lincoln, who was president during the Civil War.

People are angry, and rightfully so. He has betrayed the trust we put in our president. This is a great country. It is probably the best place in the world to live, as far as educational and financial advantages. we should have a great president.

Instead we have a joke who panders to the rich and the religious.

And this week, my fine city gets to play host to this wonderful man and the clowns who believe his everyword.

Well folks, welcome to New York Fuckin' City. Now get the hell out.


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