Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Johnny, Are You Queer?

Rick Santorum. Rick Santorum. Rick Santorum.

sorry, i can't get the name of this vile, disgusting man out of my head. i know it's old news to beat on old Ricky, but he's just such an easy target.

a republican senator from Pennsylvania, Santorum's legendary homophobia has resulted in a sexual term being named after him, that, of course, being Santorum - The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.

Santorum's root as a noun (as opposed to a Proper Noun) began just over a year ago, in this legendary column by noted author and sex columnist Dan Savage.

You can read the column for yourself, but Senator Santorum caused a firestorm when he compared consensual gay sex to incest, bigamy, adultery, and "man-on-dog" sex. Somehow, he got away with this, and to this day, still makes asinine statements.

Anyway, a reader of Savage's sex column Savage Love indicated that he didn't want to see the Santorum scandal fade away, and suggested a sex act be named for him. Like wildfire, the idea took off, and after over 3,000 suggestions, the now most recognized definition of Santorum was decided upon.

In fact, it's so recognized, that if you Google the word "Santorum", the above linked webpage explaining the sexual definition of his name comes up before his official Senatorial webpage.

anyway, in his neverending quest to terminate the civil rights of otherwise law-abiding citizens, the fine Senator from Pennsylvania said yet another thing extremely offensive in speaking in favor of a constitutional amendment to ban equality.

and what did he say?

"I would argue that the future of our country hangs in the balance because the future of marriage hangs in the balance," said Sen. Rick Santorum, a leader in the fight to approve the measure. "Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?"

Funny, i could have sworn that preventing terrorists from knocking the shit out of us like they did on 9/11 was the "Ultimate Homeland Security".

What a campaign slogan - "Prevent Gay Marriage and you'll end terrorism."

Screw you Rick Santorum, you frothy mix of lube and fecal matter. Screw. You.


At 4:19 PM, Blogger Tree said...

ah, pretty polly, how misguided you are.

you sound just like the people who used to say that the institution of marriage was founded on white man and white woman, not white man and black woman, or black man and white woman.

if two consenting adults love each other, why should we stop their love?

why should we deny a homosexual couple the same rights and privileges afforded to a heterosexual couple?

i mean, aside from hatred, of course. ;o)


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