Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Talking Loud and Saying Nothing...

it's been a few days since i've updated. not real sure why, but probably because i've been staying up later than i should be the past few nights. i think it's making my creativity suffer...i dunno...maybe? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *snork*

oh. sorry. i dozed. seriously. i'm pretty freakin' tired. that's gotta be the reason.

i mean, there's a ton going on. and i'm just talking about my NEXT wrestling road trip, hoping a train to Jersey where my buddy Matty is picking me up as we drive on down to Philly on Thursday...

i'm talking about more of this fucking craziness on the planet.

another hostage got beheaded in Iraq. His name is Kim Sun-il and he is South Korean. That's more blood on your hands, GW Bush.

and apparently Bush claimed the right to waive anti-torture laws and treaties covering prisoners of war a couple of years ago after we invaded afghanistan.

i mean, aren't we supposed to be the good guys??

meanwhile, as people are dying, our Senate today approved significantly higher fines for indecency on TV and Radio.

Guess we need to pay for our wars somehow.


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