Thursday, June 17, 2004

Raindrops keep falling on my head...

sometimes, commuting sucks. really.

i don't mean the hop in your car with a cup of coffee, a celly, a bagel, a GPS device, today's paper, and whatever else you choose to distract yourself with while you're supposed to be paying attention to the road ahead and around you kind of commute, but rather the walk 10 minutes to the subway, climb some serious stairs, wait impatiently for the train, cram yourself in like a freakin' sardine, go two lousy stops, force your way out onto the platform at your stop, go down a million more stairs, wait impatiently for the damned Long Island RailRoad which always shows up 10 minutes late, then take that for about 40 minutes until the VERY last stop then race the other passengers to the cab stand where you'll sit inside the cab for 10 more minutes anyway, before finally riding crammed in like sardines again to your office, but only after you stop at everyone else's office first kind of commute.

that is my commute on a normal day.

today, due to "switching problems" caused by an electrical storm, i sat in a RailRoad car for an extra hour and a half. and then, as soon as i get off the subway, the sky opens up. i mean, i can't remember the last time it rained that hard.

so i get home, and i am one wet dog. blech.

but, being the optimist that i am, at least it was the summer. it was kinda fun dashing home in that heavy heavy rain, because it was really warm and nice outside.

still, sometimes, commuting sucks. really.


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