Thursday, June 17, 2004

Welcome to the Jungle...

Less than a week ago, one of the most important countdowns of our time came to a relatively quiet end. On June 13th, Mary-Kate and Ashley, the Olsen Twins, celebrated their 18th birthday, bringing to conclusion a legendary ascent into legality and adulthood. The girls, are, as they say, now good to go.

However, today marks the beginning of a countdown that perhaps surpasses the Olsen Twins in importance.

138 days from now, U.S. voters go to the polls to elect their next president.

The options aren't great, but basically it comes down to a decision between voting for the lies, supreme idiocy, and absolute and unadulterated pure madness of King George the Selected; or voting for John Kerry, who has got to be better then Bush Lite, simply because the odds are in his favor.

Kerry would have to be monumental awful to NOT do better than GW Bush has done.

It would really, truly, take a Herculean effort to wreck the economy like Bush and his cronies have, to destroy the trust and respect other nations had for us like Bush and his cronies have, to devastate the environment like Bush and his cronies have, and to wage a murderous Holy War the likes of which hasn't been seen in centuries like Bush and his cronies have.

138 days people. That's how long we have until we have an opportunity to correct the wrongs our Supreme Court, and the election officials in the state of Florida, committed in late 2000.

It may be a tad over-dramatic, but it's not too much of a stretch to say that November 2, 2004, is a day when Americans can alter the course of world history, and perhaps even bring our country back to relatively well-liked leadership role we took on for this planet.


At 6:05 PM, Blogger W said...

welcome to the wild world of blogging goodness.


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