Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Careful With That Axe, Eugene...

Background info – the seating on the Long Island RailRoad is fairly simple. One side of the train is two seats wide; the other side is three seats wide. There is VERY little leg room, and even if you’re of average size, it’s hard to sit comfortably without your knees being wedged into the back of the seat in front of you.
The exception is the “compartments” at each end of each car. They’re a bank of four (or five, on the side with three rows) seats that FACE each other. If you’re lucky enough to have no one sitting directly across from you, there’s plenty of legroom.
Now, to the matter at hand –
There is this lady on the train every day. In my nearly five years of this commute, I cannot remember a day when she didn’t just seem nasty and grumpy. And every day, she’s in “her” seat, in one of those compartments. I get on the stop after hers, but I’ve been told that she pushes people out of the way to get to that particular seat as the train doors open at the first stop.
She’s a complete bitch. Just a really mean person, and anytime someone sits in “her” compartment, she gives them the evil eye and acts like that person has offended her somehow.
Yesterday, a couple wearing buttons that say “I’m blind and deaf”, and each having a large service dog, gets on the train, and the dogs lead them to the compartment where that lady is sitting, because those are the first seats upon entering the train.
She looks at them like “who the fuck are you?” and refused to move. I mean, like she just sat there, and ultimately my buddy John got out of his seat (he was in a row two seats wide – very crowded for even just two people to sit), so the blind and deaf couple wouldn’t have to stand there in the middle of the aisle of a moving train.
These two people, AND THEIR DOGS, cram into the seats John gave up. The poor dogs were literally on top of each other, and shoved under the seats. They were absurdly well behaved, but it was just so obscene.
I was furious. I mean, like tears of rage kind of furious. I felt like crying I was so angry. I just couldn’t believe that someone could be that cruel, to not just people, but those poor puppies too. I mean, she’s a nasty person, but that just took it to new levels…
I really wanted to grab her by her lapels and jerk her up out of the seat, but I also didn’t really want to spend my day sitting in some jail cell in Queens. Instead, I decided to loudly let her know how I felt.
While she’s no doubt racking up mega-bad karma points, but I probably earned some myself.
I yelled at her.
I called her a bitch to her face, and I told her that just because she was miserable with her shitty little life didn’t mean she had to go around making everyone else miserable.
I also informed her that if there were any justice in this world, there was a bus grill in Manhattan with her name on it, just waiting for her to step off the curb.
And that was how an otherwise not-so-bad Monday morning ended up starting my week off rather craptacularly.


At 10:20 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm impressed. I probably would have also said something to that woman although I don't know if I would have had the guts to go quite so far as to tell her that there is a bus waiting to run her down. What was her reaction? and other people's?
And how has it been since then?


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