Sunday, September 05, 2004

All My Rowdy Friends are Coming over Tonight...

Every summer they do it. In the months leading up to the kick off of the NFL football season, they sweat buckets and push their limitations to the max. they work on their speed, their finesse, and their stamina.

Today is one week until the first Sunday of the NFL Season. and it was time to see if the hard work paid off.

For me, it did. i made a return trip - walking - to the grocery store, in under 30 minutes.

Nachos, beer, burgers, and assorted other goodies. I sprinted to and from the store, dodged old ladies pushing granny carts, and leapt over small yapping dogs blocking the front entrance to the store. i even managed to just miss getting hit by a late model tricked out honda crx.

Yes, all those speed, finesse, and stamina drills i did this summer made all the difference.

Let the games begin!!!!


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

you're silly


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