Friday, September 17, 2004

No New Tale to Tell...

it's been nearly two weeks since my last entry. i've been asked quite a bit about it. i'm sorry.

i've been to lots of great wrestling shows.

i haven't felt like writing about them.

there has been lots of amazing things going on in the politcal world.

i haven't felt like writing about them.

i'm sick of politics right now. i'm sick of the right wing of this country lying, cheating, and flat out being really piss-poor examples of humanity. i'm sick of them doing it in the name of keeping a fucking moron, a fucking liar, and a fucking scumbag like GW Bush president of the united states.

fuck you.

how's that?

thousands of people get arrested in NYC protesting during the Republican National Convention. some of them were just watching the protests. they were on the sidewalk, and weren't even involved.

many of these people were held for longer than 70 hours. New York law says they have to be booked with 24. and the NYPD says "we weren't prepared."

screw you - you were prepared enough to make mass arrests, you should have been prepared enough to book them properly.

people i know that are republicans say that they should have held them longer. so, screw the law? no, screw you.

and now - a woman who had a proper ticket at a speech by laura bush, stood up and yelled at at her. this woman's son was a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq. "Why was my son killed? why are you children not in iraq?"

she was dragged away, kicking and screaming. they arrested her when she refused to leave the area OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING.

but the worst part? these people in the audience, didn't care about this woman, or her dead son. they just chanted, as if they were robots at a rally for Hitler, "Four more years! Four more years!!"

well fuck them. and fuck you if you don't want even the slightest bit of change this november by dumping GW Bush from office.

sorry, if i offend. but i'm tired, frustrated, and pissed.


At 7:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

quite a way to ring in a new year right?
isn't Rosh Hashanah a time to renew and rethink the sins?


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