Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Final Countdown...

a few days before the election, and my confidence is at an all time high. all the things that should have been happening over the past several months to show the failures of the Bush regime, are instead happening over the course of about two weeks - new stuff from the still-not-dead Osama Bin Laden, more investigations into improprieties with Cheney's Halliburton, the sheer absurdity of Dick Cheney calling the war in Iraq "brilliant," and well, the list goes on and on.

as for me, I still maintain that Kerry will win with between 279 and 297 electoral votes, and i think this election won't be as close as some people believe. we'll see how that bears out when every vote is counted - granted, all this depends on less chicanary from the Republicans than we saw in 2000, so, well, i guess we'll see.

as for this blog - not sure what's gonna happen with it once the election is over. i talk politics at lot more than i write it - with friends, co-workers, and fellow commuters during my 1.5 hour journey every morning on the train. if i talked less about it, i'd probably have more to say here. lol

other people with other blogs simply do politics in the blogosphere better than i do. i think i have the insane rant thing down pretty good, but for news, that's not my thing. i prefer the commentary aspect of it.

still, i can't imagine not having things to say, so i'm fairly certain i'll update this with at least some regularity. don't abandon me yet! :o)


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